Monday, April 20, 2009

I can't get any further with this poem today...
Here's the start...

Paper clutter covers the dining table;
Rubber stamps and ink are scattered with
an e-xacto knife and ribbon trimmings;
glue and glitter, pens and punches
are witness to the creative soul at work.

April 20, 2009


  1. Ok, this is totally irrelevant but I was just hanging around in the comments at B&b Exlibris and read yours about the errors at the beginning of Hotel and Sweet and I had to come over here and throw my full-bodied support behind you because THAT IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING THAT WILL RUIN A BOOK FOR ME!!!! I mean, slow plot, clumsy writing, sure. But tiny details!!!! I feel like all of my reviews are full of, Now I know this is nitpicky and that no one will notice or care but me, but 'All of the sudden' is not an expression!!!!

    I feel that if I let this comment go on, I will break my all-caps key and I need that for reviewing. So...carry on. Hope Bitter and Sweet works out better.

  2. CONGRATS... You are a winner on my blog for the Late RAK on the CFH Blog HOP!!!!

    drop me an email with name and addy at ljesse at wavecable dot com


    You won the late RAK for the CFH blog hop.

    Please come by and claim your prize. If I don't hear from you by Friday the 19th of June I will draw another winner,


Remember, this is a place of healing and comfort. I will delete any comments that I believe are contrary to that purpose. Thanks for understanding!