Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Is a Great Month

Here it is. My favorite month. (Drum roll please!) April!

It's my birthday month! It contains National Library Week! It is National Poetry Month! And, it's NaPoWriMo. This year I'm in! Basically, I'll write a poem every day in April. Not expecting big things, but I've been really wanting to touch my creative side more often and I love poetry.

I can't think of a much nicer way to celebrate my birth month.

Here's today's Poem:

I know where I've been.
I know where I am.
I don't know where I'm going.

I know where I am.
I don't know where I'm going.
I only want to get there.

I don't know where I'm going.
I only want to get there.
I need to respect the road.

I only want to get there.
I need to respect the road.
I believe the road is true.

I need to respect the road.
I believe the road is true.
I want to enjoy the journey.

I believe the road is true.
I want to enjoy the journey.
I will go where it leads.

April 1, 2009


  1. that is awesome!! I love the way you worked those lines. :) I am happy to have a fellow blogger working on this feat with me. Enjoy the ride!

  2. Bethany: Thanks, the poem just wrote itself! Today's was tougher and I'm not as thrilled. It's definitely a draft, but the bones are there.


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